What a year it is been, we have accomplished a considerable amount for being the new kids on the block! The year in recap would see us through some serious challenges for us to continue to conduct business effectively both due to mechanical issues, economic issues and inflation all taking their tolls on small businesses and their customers.

We made it through, got the Tiki Boat launched (which broke twice before we even got her first customers) and are looking forward to continuing to build on our successes, learn from our mistakes and keep making memories on the water with you and your families! From our family to yours we wish you a happy new year and many hours of fun in the sun and on the water in wonderful Siesta Key!
Speaking of our family, your favorite Beach Bum took the plunge and got married! It was a great day if not very, very hot July 8th on Lido beach in a boaters wedding done barefoot and Beach Bum Style. We were ecstatic to pull this all together in coordination with Shellebrate Boat Tours and Faye in Flight Photography and are pleased to say meet Mr. and Misses Beach Bum! Do you dream of a wedding on the beach? Not only can we do it, we did it!

This summer we saw the Gulf water temps go up significantly, I believe we saw water temps in our area of 98 and higher. I also believe that this was the nail in the coffin for the engine we had on the Shore Slayer, sadly we scrambled to get my backup in place only to find out now it has yet another issue to solve. A day in the life of a boater, eh? You know what they say about boats....sheesh!

Thanks so much for making this possible, it's a crowded market in Sarasota and this business is not for the faint of heart. Small businesses have big bills and it's your continued support and feedback that keeps us moving, growing and improving our ability to serve you and your family and every trip matters. We thank you for helping us keep the dream alive of spending our time in the place we love and sharing it with others!
I would like to thank everyone that helped us along the way to keep our heads above water and both behind the scenes and in front. In no uncertain terms it takes a village to keep an operation like this afloat. There are a million ways for things to go wrong, and only 5 ways to make them go right. Even as I write this today, I am in the middle of a trip blowing up and 3 captains trying valiantly to salvage the day and extinguish the fire due to unfortunate factors outside of any of our control.

Special Thanks to Hidden Harbor Marina and Staff, Phillippi Harbor Club and Staff, Dawn and Dave at Inside Out Marine for always putting in the extra effort to save the day, Grunt Monkey Outboards, CIA Carter Insurance, Parker Smith, Shellebrate Boat Tours, Faye in Flight Photography, Captains Drew Lalor, Chris Gaffney, Zack Mavelson, Livio Cristiani, Becca, Ian, and Holly. Special thanks to March Re-modeling, Maggie Rose and Daryl Mendez, probably a whole host of others, and best for last Mrs. Beach Bum Herself Gennifer Morehouse. What a crew as we struggling to keep the prop turning here at Beach Bum Charters. Thank you all for keeping the dream alive!